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PDC Bits drilling record


8 1/2” GM1316T PDC Bit Dramatically increased ROP30% Saved 27% of Drilling Time in SONGLIAO basin China

Drilled the whole buid-up interval at the depth from 2895 to 3498m,at an average ROP of 5.02m/h

Set a new drill speed record by improving ROP by 30%
Complete build-up section in the total depth of 6m
Saved the 2.1drilling days for the build-up section.
Increased the total footage by 27% compared to the offset


Well Background
Horizontal well with TD of 4069m
Formation of build up section form K1q to K1yc with the lithology of sandstone, siltstone and random dyeing clay, pebbly sandstone.
Water base mud with the MW of 1.21
Bit drilling with the conjunction of PDM motor.

The operator sought to drill the whole build-up section(2895-3498m) from the 1 to 85.6 DEG in a single BHA without tripping.
Achieve high ROP and enhance the capacity of tool face control.

GREAT Solution and Results
Completed the build-up section(2895-3498m) in a very short time,the ROP for every section is at the average of 5.02m/h.

Good cutter technology and optimal layout of the cutters supply a good performance.
Great design of the hydraulic help improve the ROP, asymmetric spiral bevel blade,optimized structure enhanced the aggressiveness of the bit.
Showed better dull condition compare withe the offset runs.


Operation Parameters
RPM:80+Motor Flow:32L/s 


An operator working in the LONGFENGSHAN in challenged GM1316T to drill the build-up section with several interbed,and completed the total 639m in only 127 hrs at an average ROP of 5.02m/h ,saved 47hrs compare with the offset.
The operator was extremely pleased by the success of this operation and plans to use the GM1316T PDC bit for other wells in the field .
